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A Girl Called Dusty as Dusty Springfield

"The play demands to be seen because of its top-notch cast, especially Stacia Fernandez as Dusty, she is smart not to imitate Dusty but merely conjure her up, and therefore is equally as strong and powerful.

- Boston Press

PRINCE and the PAUPER as Mrs. Canty

"And the talent goes still deeper. Stacia Fernandez...conveys tremendous compassion."

- Variety

"Every time she was on stage I was on the edge of my seat waiting for her... Ms. Fernandez could probably sing the phone book and bring a tear to

anyones eyes."

- Seattle News

"Stacia Fernandez makes theatrical magic. She and her songs are highlights of the shows."

- Seattle Press


- LUCKY GUY Has Fernandez At Goodspeed

- Fernandez Swings In The Drowsy Chaperone

Check out Stacia's BROADWAYWORLD.COM PROFILE for more articles!

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Stacia Fernandez © 2019. Design by Ry Armstrong.

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